February 27, 2017
Wakin' up with PCB!
Let's be honest, sometimes it seems like getting out of bed in the morning is one of the biggest challenges we face on the reg (who's with us?) Each one of our mugs is hand crafted & designed to make wake-ups + even lazy days a bit more meaningful. Choose to be intentional with what each day brings- whether it be waking up in the morning or cozying on up with your sweetheart- and let us help you make that time the sweetest it can be.
Start your next morning up with a cup of hot tea/coffee/hot cider and make sure to pause to enjoy it & be grateful for another day! Keep scrollin' for some morning inspo featuring our line of handmade mugs & some of our adorable PCB Team members!
Start your next morning up with a cup of hot tea/coffee/hot cider and make sure to pause to enjoy it & be grateful for another day! Keep scrollin' for some morning inspo featuring our line of handmade mugs & some of our adorable PCB Team members!